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vtw Storys

Mystory test 2711


Photos and tags




Please only use photos that do not infringe any third party copyrights. If necessary, you can write any necessary image credits (source information) in the image caption field.


Upload another image


Choose a file


Only jpg files with a maximum of 500 KB can be uploaded.




Link to another video


Videos can only be linked here (e.g. from YouTube or your own server).


Story tags


Tags are keywords. Please add tags to your story to highlight the most important content aspects of your story. They enable keyword searches and make it easier for readers to grasp the content of your story more quickly.


day 1


day 2


Day 3


Save and publish


You have the option to save your story and edit it later by clicking on the "Save draft" button. Your story is then not yet in the publishing process.


If you would like to publish your story, please click on the “Publish” button. Your story will then be checked and published by a vtw editor if there are no objections. You will be notified automatically by email. If there are any questions about your article, the editor will also contact you by email


By clicking on the “Publish” button, you agree that your story will be published on the vtw website. You also grant vtw the right to publish or link the story or excerpts from the story as well as the associated photos and/or videos on the vtw Facebook page and/or in the vtw Facebook groups.


Your story can only be published if you accept the terms and conditions.




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