ETHIK-KODEX des Verbands für The Work of Byron Katie
Jeder Mensch, der Leistungen von einem Coach (vtw) oder einem Lehrcoach (vtw) in Anspruch nimmt, kann erwarten, dass dieser folgende ethische Richtlinien anerkennt und sich entsprechend verhält.
Verpflichtungen gegenüber den Klient*innen:
Verpflichtungen gegenüber dem Verband für The Work of Byron Katie und seinen Mitgliedern:
vtw Code of Ethics
English version
Everyone who makes use of the services of a Coach (vtw) or Lehrcoach (vtw) can expect them to recognize the following ethical guidelines and act accordingly.
Commitments towards clients:
1. I respect the value and dignity of every human being and their right to self-determination.
2. I do not exploit any aspect of the facilitator-client relationship for my personal or professional gain.
3. I honor agreements made with my clients at the beginning of the collaboration.
4. I agree that what I hear from my client will be held in the strictest confidentiality, and I will respect the confidentiality of my client’s information.
5. I present my qualifications and experience as Coach/Lehrcoach (vtw) truthfully to the best of my knowledge and belief.
6. I will not release the name of my client as a client or reference, and will not release any other client-identifying information, without first obtaining permission from my client.
7. I acknowledge my client's inner wisdom and do not give advice.
8. I ensure that my client understands the nature of The Work—that it is inquiry, not therapy.
9. I strive to avoid conflicts of interest that could impair or interfere with the process between my client and me. I use The Work to work through any stressful thoughts that arise in this context before conducting another session with the client. If necessary, I turn to a Lehrcoach (vtw).
10. If the process between the client and I continues to be disrupted, which is to the disadvantage of the client, I will end the collaboration and recommend another Coach/Lehrcoach ( vtw).
11. I will respect my client’s right to terminate our facilitator-client relationship at any point during the process.
Commitments towards Verband für The Work of Byron Katie and its members:
1. I present The Work as a professional and effective way to examine thoughts that cause stress.
2. I do not comment negatively on clients about the Verband für The Work of Byron Katie or the Coaches (vtw) and Lehrcoaches (vtw) belonging to it.
3. I agree to conduct in accordance with the statutory goals of the Verband für The Work of Byron Katie e.V.
4. I view the community of Coaches (vtw) and Lehrcoaches (vtw) as a supportive network, not as competing The Work providers. I meet them with openness, respect and appreciation.
5. If I have justified doubts about the ethical justifiability, the professionalism or the quality of the offer from a Coach (vtw) or Lehrcoach (vtw), I contact the office of the association.